Statement of Acknowledgement

Deng XiaoPing – Hakka

Whether Deng XiaoPing is actually Ethnic Hakka in origin or not has become a matter of Debate in Hakka Circles lately.

A widely followed Chronicler of “Proudly Hakka and Zhiga Nyin Trope” , including of Videos, has OFFICIALLY stated that there’s minimal evidence to back up the popular previously Pervasive Trope that Deng is Sichuan Hakka, via Meixian (Jiayingxian) Migration from Henan Origins.

Contradicting Statements from 2 of Deng’s Daughters, fuel the Debate, but BOTH are probably motivated by Political and Financial Factors, and have to be taken with a Grain of Salt, particularly after the “Self Identity” Movement, became popular, during China’s Chaotic Warlord Era, post Republic. And, as promoted by the likes of Mo Yan, in Red Sorghum.,bizarre%20fabulation%20and%20magical%20realism.

The FACTS are that Hakka is a Threatened Language, as is Hakka Culture, And, that though “pushing for Hakka Heroes” helps the Cause of Preserving Hakka Language and Culture, it’s NOT the End Goal.

China’s CPC Stated Policy of pushing a Common National Language (NOT Mandarin, per se, which is the Practice, but Putong Hua, a COMMON or AVERAGE USED Language), over Local Dialects and even Ethnic Minority Languages in Semi Autonomous Regions, is the key.

The question of fangyan (方言) and yuyan (語言) – as explained in this piece. Hakka, actually being part of Fangyan, and therefore not actively PROTECTED by Legislation/Constitution governing the Rights of Ethnic Minorities.

And, illustrated by this graphic

The Official Policy, as of 2021, in eg Guangdong, is that only 10 to 15% of Content, whether it be Video or Print, can be in the Local Vernacular, while the Rest has to be in Putonghua.

As such, the Preservation Efforts of Hakka Dialect and Culture, cannot be relaxed.

Whether Deng XiaoPing, or any other Illunnary, can be claimed as Hakka or not.

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